Have You Got Skin Problems?

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Have You Got Skin Problems?

Have You Got Skin Problems?

How Many Skin and Acne Problems are There?

Is your skin itchy, split, and coated with rash and strange spots? Infections, variations in texture or color of the skin spots or interaction with an allergen or irritant, may result from infects, chronic skin disorders. Do you assume the physician should rule it out if you have one of these adult skin problems? Most are minor, but others are more serious. Minor can be treated at home by using best resulted medicines like Winsome Glow Acne Face Wash.

Here are some of the skin problems.

Acne Vulgaris

Acne vulgaris is a common acne medical name— blackheads, whiteheads and other pimples on the skin come under this name. Facial, chest, shoulders, and back are the most common breakout spots. While mild acne may improve on – the-counter treatment, a dermatologist must handle more severe types.


A comedo or essential acne lesion is a hair follicle covered by fluid or dead skin cells. Comedones can turn into bumps known as whiteheads and blackheads. Products that may induce comedones are considered to be “comedogenic,” which is likely to block pores and contribute to the development of acne by rendering them classified as “noncomedogenic.”


Blackheads are comedones open on the skin surface. Excess oil or dead skin cells are filled in them. The comedon doesn’t get black because of dirt. The black colour is a product of the irregular lighting reflection of hair follicles.  Over the counter medications can often treat Blackheads.


Whiteheads are called comedones which remain closed on the skin surface. This occurs when oil and skin cells avoid an opening of a blocked hair follicle. Many of the best skin care brand and medicinal products that treat blackheads also work against whiteheads.

Papules (Acne)

Papules are inflamed comedones that shape tiny red or pink skin bumps. This kind of pimple can be touch-sensitive. Picking or pressing may worsen inflammation and cause scarring. Some papules can indicate that the acne is moderate to extreme.

Pustules (Acne)

Another type of inflammatory pimple is pustules. They look like a red ring around the bump on a whitehead. Usually, the bump is filled with white or yellow pus. Do not pick or squeeze pustules. Picking can lead to scars or dark spots on the skin.

Nodules (Acne)

Nodules are large, inflamed, tightly touching bumps. They develop deep inside the skin and often suffer from pain. A dermatologist should treat nodules. Treatments on over -the -counter basis may not be sufficient enough to cure problems, however, prescription medicines may be successfully effective.

Mild Acne Problem

If you have less than 20 whiteheads, blackheads, less than 15 inflamed bumps and 30 maximum lesions, acne drops within “mild” classification. It can take eight weeks to get significant improvements. 

Moderate Acne Problem

The acne is considered to be mild when you have 20 to 100 whiteheads and blackheads, 15 to 50 bumps and 30 to 125 total lesions. Dermatologists usually recommend moderate to severe acne prescription medications. It might take weeks for an improvement to be noticed, or the acne may seem to get worse before it gets improvement.

Severe Nodulocystic Acne Problem

There are many inflamed cysts and nodules in people with severe nodulocystic acne. Deep-red or violet can transform the acne. Scars are often left. Scarring can be minimized by prompt treatment by a dermatologist. In some instances, corticosteroids can be inserted into nodules or cysts directly by a surgeon to reduce the size and severe inflammation.

Acne Treatments

Topical Therapy for Acne

Topical treatments or therapy are acne medications specifically added to the skin such as gels and creams. Topical products that are over-the-counter often can help mild acne. Ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, resorcinol, salicylic acid or sulphide may be contained. Demand drugs including antimicrobial and retinoid creams may be used to treat mild to extremely severe acne. These may be used in combination or alone with other ingredients.

Systemic Therapy for Acne

Systemic treatment applies to mouth-controlled acne medication. The diagnosis for mild to serious acne can be achieved through drugs, namely tetra-cycline, minocycline, doxycycline and erythromycin. Certain medical drugs include oral contraceptives to suppress acne in some people, spironolactone, and isotretinoin (high-dose vitamin A prescription), as well as anti-androgen hormone tablets. Isotretinoin is only used in certain serious cases of cystic acne, or in cases where there are no other treatments. Regular consultations with your dermatologist require an isotretinoin treatment course.

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